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Primitive Technology: Grass thatch, Mud hut
2019Mar 22
Primitive Technology: Grass thatch, Mud hut - Creating a grass thatch, mud hut from scratch. Subscribe: | Never miss a video! Enable ‘ALL’ Notifications! More videos, watch me make stone yam planters:    • Primitive Technology: Stone Yam planters   Follow Primitive Technology: Wordpress: https://primitivetechnology.wordpress... Patreon: Watch More Primitive Technology: Latest Uploads:    • Newest Uploads | Primitive Technology   Pyrotechnology:    • Pyrotechnology | Primitive Technology   Shelter:    • Shelter | Primitive Technology   Weapons:    • Weapons | Primitive Technology   Popular Videos:    • Popular Videos | Primitive Technology   About This Video: With the wet season at it's peak, a shelter was needed to keep tools and materials dry as well as providing a dry work-space for future projects. So after some procrastination, I decided on a low roof design. A 2.5 m by 2.5 m hut with a ridge 2 m above the ground and side walls 75 cm high. Upright posts were put in at about 60 cm intervals along the 3 walls. The front was left open as this is more of an open workshop than a dwelling. Grass was collected from high up in the hill as it will not grow in the darker, lowland forest. Carrying the thatch to the hut was the most labor intensive part taking approximately 36 hours over the course of more than a week. The walls were then coated in soft, grey mud from a nearby clearing. The floor was coated in the same material. A large amount of rain fell due to a nearby tropical cyclone passing to the north. Despite this there were only a few leaks (mainly on the ridge line) that were subsequently patched with more grass. A fire was then lit with fire-sticks despite the damp conditions. This was done to help dry the mud walls and floor. The end of the video shows the yam mounds behind the hut doing well from of the torrential rain. The shelter will suffice for the remaining two months of rain that is expected to fall. About Primitive Technology: Primitive technology is a hobby where you build things in the wild completely from scratch using no modern tools or materials. These are the strict rules: If you want a fire, use a fire stick - An axe, pick up a stone and shape it - A hut, build one from trees, mud, rocks etc. The challenge is seeing how far you can go without utilizing modern technology. I do not live in the wild, but enjoy building shelter, tools, and more, only utilizing natural materials. To find specific videos, visit my playlist tab for building videos focused on pyrotechnology, shelter, weapons, food & agriculture, tools & machines, and weaving & fiber.

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Primitive Technology

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